
My name is Erika Blue, and coloring is how I trick my mind into meditating. Anxiety is something I struggled with for years. College pushed my stress levels to an all-time high. Crippled with debt, buried in work, homework; all my time and money was spoken for. Things I loved fell by the wayside and even my writing suffered. It felt as though every time I started to regain my focus, stress ripped my attention back to whatever meaningless crisis screamed at me. Meditation worked before, but I couldn’t focus that long. Not repeatedly.

Then I started doodling….

I beat myself up for it. You have papers due. That research won’t do itself. You can’t even draw. Those books need to be read and summarized for that class presentation. You have exams soon. Better write those product descriptions if you want that professional reference. My mind just went full HAM. Then I thought… what if I just give myself an hour to color? I had no idea the roads I would open.

Giving myself a creative outlet was the best exercise I could give my mind at the low-low price of basically f**k-all nothing.  #NoDolla$$$Dolla$$$BillsTho

My focus improved. My creativity flourished. Best of all, I gave my inner child the exact thing she needed. Freedom.

She’s been running the show ever since. If it weren’t for her silly little doodles, I wouldn’t be able to give my clients razor sharp content. Hopping in and out of dm’s would still be random musings instead of one of my fav means of connecting with new people and clients daily. Ghost writing would still be a struggle versus the fun game of incognito I play with my clients and internet trolls. I wouldn’t have stepped out to show the world my gifts. I would have continued to over proof my copy and sell my work to anyone BUT the people that love me. Know what sucks? Making pennies on stale, cheap-ass clients that would rather question a grammar choice than have an ad that sounds like it was written by an actual, *GASP* human being… wtf is that? Miserable. Trust me. Miserable. That’s what it is. Uggghhh horrible memories…

Great Erika. That’s super cute and hell, I read this far.  But uh, what’s your point?

My point is coloring is fun and it reduces stress. Less stress makes life way more enjoyable and unpleasantries far more manageable. Don’t believe me? Google. It.  Yeah I’m not going to link a damn thing.

My designs are based on sacred geometry and are kid friendly. It’s a great way to relax QUIETLY with your kids without involving a nerve grating cartoon character of their choosing. Not everyone is great at drawing, and you don’t have to be! If you’re looking for a mindful way to chill tf out, give coloring a try. You may be amazed at the other areas of your life that start to improve when you let your inner child take an hour coloring break. If you’d like to learn more about me and my copy writing, come visit me at erikablue.ninja.

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